Cooling Down after Exercise

Using a cool-down routine after exercising is highly recommended. During exercise the body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate all increase. To bring them back to normal levels, a cooling down routine is helpful.

Hydrate while cooling down

Cooling down helps the body transition gradually, rather than abruptly. This helps the recovery process and can help prevent injuries.

For high-intensity work-outs, stretching can be used during cooling down to help improve flexibility by increasing the range of motion of your boxy. But equally important is hydrating after a workout.

We have prepared an easy cool-down routine for low-effort exercises, and an intermediate cool-down routine for when your exercise was more intense. Both videos are short 5-minute routines.

Take you time to cool down, your body will thank you later!

Easy Cool-Down Routine

Intermediate Cool-Down Routine

Don’t forget to use a warm-up routine before starting any exercise or work-out.