Warming Up before Exercise

No exercise should be done without a proper warm-up. The body needs to be prepared for exercises that will optimize performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

Warming up properly will slowly increase the body temperature and increase the blood flow to the muscles. This gradual process of warming up the body will also help prevent muscle soreness afterward.

Although even a brisk walking routine can help you warm up, we have prepared a short, 5-minute warm-up routine. This routine can be done in place, so no need to go outside.

If you are already more advanced in exercising, you might want a little more challenging routine. The video below shows our intermediate warm-up routine which has a higher intensity level.

Remember that apart from the warming up your body, you can do some additional stretching to prepare specific muscle groups for the exercise. These stretching efforts should be focused on the type of exercise you are planning.

Done with your exercise? Don’t forget to cool down!