Planking Series

Planking is an excellent way to strengthen your core using your own body weight. And it can be done almost anywhere!

Planking also helps strengthen your abdominal muscles, giving you a well-defined and toned core and belly. This in turn improves your balance and posture.

If you are new to planking, start by learning how to do a basic plank using the video.

Apart from the basic plank, there are many variations possible and we will be releasing a different ‘planking move’ every single day so check this page daily to find out the day’s challenge!

Just click any of the thumbnails/images below to see how each plank variation is performed. The article will describe how to execute the variation, as well as options for progression.

Plank variations

A few tips for the planking exercises

  • Make sure to do a warm-up before you do any kind of exercise. This will prepare your body and help prevent injuries.
  • Try to align your movements with your breathing. Normally you breathe out when you make effort, and you breathe in while relaxing. The oxygen helps to generate energy.
  • Do not hold your plank positions too long. No need for a world record. Holding positions for up to 30 seconds and repeating them is more effective than longer durations. If you want to challenge yourself, you can go up to 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Move slowly when doing exercises with movement in them. Slower movements strain the muscles more and create strength in them.
  • Hydrate! Drink enough water to make sure your body is prepared for and can recover from the exercise. You will lose water through perspiration.


What is planking?

Planking is exercising in a horizontal position. Most planking is done statically, but some variations include movement to create variation and add training for other muscle groups.

How long should I plank?

Holding planking positions should be no longer than 10 to 30 seconds. If you need to, go up to a minute. More repeats are better than holding the position longer. As a result, the planking duration per day should be no more than an hour. It can be longer if you include warming up and cooling down.

How often should I plank?

Planking is a like any exercise and trains your muscles to become stronger. Plank between two and four times per week. Increase your planking time rather than the frequency as you become fitter.

Do I need to warm up before planking?

Warming up is important for any type of exercise. It prepares your body (muscles and cardiovascular system) for the effort you will require from your body. Also, don’t forget to cool down to slowly bring your body back to a normal heart rate and reduce muscle soreness afterward.

Can I get a flat belly from planking?

Doing a plank exercise works all muscles in your core. The result can be a tight core and reduced waist, especially if combined with a healthy diet.

Is planking better than sit-ups?

Planking is a workout that trains the core muscles in a similar way to sit-ups. Sit-ups due to the nature of the movement involved are considered bad for your back and spine. Planking also targets more muscles than sit-ups do and have a better impact on your balance and posture.

What is the best plank position?

The best plank position to start with is the high plank position. If necessary, starting with a low plank is also possible. For best results, however, using plank variations is recommended. Flexibility, balance, and training of additional muscle groups are some of the benefits of planking variation.