How to Curb Food Cravings – ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Food cravings… oh, we’ve all been there. I have a thing for potato chips myself! And since I have never advocated complete abstinence from any food group for weight loss I say, sure, go ahead and indulge… ONCE IN A WHILE.

But what if the cravings hit you a tad too often?

Food Cravings – 7 Tips to Stop Your Food Lusts

1 Wait it out.

Studies show that most cravings are actually not due to hunger but to some other emotion such as loneliness, boredom, stress eating, sadness, or even just plain thirst!

So when a craving hits, don’t give in right away. Instead, drink a glass of water, drink some green tea, or brush your teeth. And while you’re at it, picture your ‘new, slimmer, sexier, stronger you’ at the end of this fitness journey.

2 Stop looking at FOOD PORN online.

You’re not doing yourself any favors by constantly looking at food pictures on social media. Instead try do something that’s would have a positive effect on your physical and/or mental well being.

For instance, a light some candles, put on some relaxing music and take a long relaxing bath. Take a long reflective walk. Do some light yoga, or meditate.

3 Plan ahead.

Accept that cravings will happen. That’s normal! So knowing this, plan ahead.

What are your ‘triggers’? Cakes and donuts? Don’t buy them, or buy healthier alternatives (snack on unsalted nuts instead).

Often, you just need that ‘crunch’ to get over a bad craving. So pre-cut some crunchy veggies and stack them in the fridge. Dip them in peanut butter and you’ve got yourself a healthy treat!

4 If you’re keeping a food journal (and you should!), check your calorie consumption for the day.

food-journalOk, I’ll just be brutally honest here. By being ‘confronted’ with a list of what you’ve already  eaten for the day and how many calories you’ve consumed, chances are you’re going to experience a sort of ‘wake up call’ and realize that nah… those extra calories are just soooo not worth it.

6 You’ve got to move it, move it.

Instead of getting up and heading for the fridge, get up and go for a leisurely walk. You can walk up and down the stairs or just around your living room. Find that corny? Do it anyway… while calling someone ☎️.


Check how far you’ve come in your fitness journey. Look at old pictures and think about what you’ve all done to get to where you are now. Do you really want to sabotage your efforts?

7 Bring out some sexy fit-spiration.

weight-loss-inspirationQUICK! Grab a fitness magazine or visit a fitness site or check out one of your fitness heroes. Now, this is something that REALLY works for MANY of my weight loss clients. Every time a craving strikes, grab a fitness mag, watch a weight loss program.. ANYTHING that motivates you towards fitness. Re-directing your thoughts to the good and healthy stuff, curbs your craving for the bad, weight-gaining stuff.

Hope the above helps ladies!