Day 111 – Swimmer on BOSU

Swimmer on BOSU

Swimmer on BOSU

On day 5 we introduced the swimmer, an arm and leg raise while flat on your belly. This lends itself perfectly to a BOSU balance trainer. You will train your core as well as your arms and legs.


  1. Position yourself belly down on the BOSU ball. You might need to reposition yourself when you perform the next steps to get your center properly aligned for balance.
  2. Extend your arm and legs.
  3. Now lift your arms and legs at the same time. Try to lift them as high as you can without losing your balance.
  4. Hold for a few seconds, and then lower arms and legs again.

Note: Make sure to align your breathing with the movement for maximum effort and results.

Progression: Perform the Swimmer on BOSU 10 times in sequence, hold the swimmer pose for 3 seconds.

Variation: Too difficult? Limit the height of the arm and leg lift. It also helps to spread your arms and legs a little more as it makes the balance easier.

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