Mirror, Mirror… I Feel Fat :(

Here’s exactly what to do during those ‘I Feel Fat’ days.

We all have our ‘off’ days. We are, after all, human. However, if those ‘i feel fat‘ days are happening just a little bit too often then it’s time to develop some kick-ass positive thinking habits!

Remember, positivity and a good attitude will ALWAYS be more beneficial than any negative self-talk.

Here Are NINE Ways to Shake Off Those ‘I Feel Fat’ Moments

I feel fat moments can quickly turn to a downward spiral. Before you know it, you’re looking at yourself and things/people/events around you negatively. Don’t let that happen! Arm yourself with the following tips.

1 List At Least 3 Things You Love About Yourself

Ok, you’re having an ‘i feel fat’ moment. There it is; acknowledge it. Now, take a very deep breathe and as you exhale, imagine that negative feeling being expelled from your body.

Next, write 3 things you love about yourself and focus on those instead.

Examples: I’m a GREAT FRIEND.  I can DANCE really, really, really well 🙂 I’m very OPEN-MINDED.

Examples: I love the color of my eyes. I have great hair! My nails are the envy of all my girlfriends.

They may seem ‘shallow’ at the start but trust me, this will get the positivity ball rolling.

2 Practice GRATITUDE

What are you grateful for? That you woke up to another day? That you have people you love, and love you back? That you got a sweet message from a friend?

It doesn’t matter if you’re giving thanks to something big or small. What’s important is that your appreciative of something GOOD. When you’re in this positive mindset, it’s easy to shift away from something negative.

3 Bring Out Your ‘Feel Good’ Toolbox

What are the things that bring an instant smile to your face? If you don’t have a go-to list right now, here are a few tips. (You can do just one but hey, doing all of them is fine too 🙂 )

listening to music
    • Play some ‘feel good’ music. (Btw, if they’re dance tunes, pump up the volume and dance away!)
    • Pictures. Family pics, friend shots, vacation photos… whatever it is, take out and look at the ones that will instantly bring you to a happy place.
    • Read some positive quotes online.
    • Watch funny videos.
    • Take a long, hot, scented bath.

4 Prioritize Yourself Today

In my years as a fitness professional, I always come across this ‘guilt’ that many women have about prioritizing themselves. Everyone else must be taken care of first. Well, for those ‘I Feel Fat’ days or any day when you’re feeling down, give yourself the gift of importance. You deserve it girl!

    • Take a day off and read a book.
    • Get a haircut, manicure, pedicure, the works!
    • Get a massage.
    • Tinker in your garden.
    • Do the groceries leisurely (instead of running around like a headless, time-constricted chicken :))

5 Surround Yourself With Good, Positive People

Positivity is contagious. When you surround yourself with happy, smiling, optimistic people, it’s hard to be gloomy!

6 Go for Health, and Fitness-Focused Goals

When you feel fat, it’s easy to think that the solution is to turn to a ‘quick fix’ in the form of fad diets or crash diets. On the contrary, science shows that these quick fixes offer nothing but short-term results. They also put you at a high-risk for developing a slow metabolism. 1

Instead, focus on health-related and fitness-focused goals. When you adapt a plan or system that’s focused on your physical and mental well-being…  I promise, the weight WILL drop off faster than you think.

BeFinallyFit is a unique 28-day eating strategy that focuses on not just dropping pounds, but with equipping you with the real-life tools you need to get in shape — in both mind and body.

Get back in ‘fighting form’ — at any age — with this sustainable weight loss system for women. Click here to start your journey.

7 Hit ‘Pause’

During an ‘I feel fat’ moment, it’s not surprising to feel like you don’t have control. However, instead of overwhelming yourself with everything you need to do or all the things you need to change. Sometimes, the best action is not to press ‘Play’ ▶️ but to hit ‘Pause’ ⏸️.

That is, take a moment.

Take a step back. BREATHE. And then… slowly make plans to make things better.

8 Go OFFline

Social media is great but there’s A LOT of things out there that actually promote those ‘i feel fat’ days. Your news feed can be unhealthy because it can promote feelings of comparison, jealousy, and competition. So, go OFF the grid for a bit. Focus on yourself. The rest of the world can wait.

9 Set Yourself Up for a GREAT DAY

If you set yourself up to have a great day, it’s easier to avoid any negative self-talk. For instance, if you hate waking up to your headache-inducing alarm clock, change the tune! Better yet, wake up to your fav mood-enhancing songs. Follow this up with some ‘gratitude thoughts’ and I bet your day’s already off to an amazing start! Here are a few more ideas.

    • If you’re in the habit of checking your phone the minute you wake up, read positive or motivational quotes first.
    • Got a bit more time? Try a light yoga routine or engage in a few minutes of meditation. (Light your favorite scented candle when you this and happy days!)
    • Treat yourself to a light, healthy, but yummy breakfast.
    • Dab on your favorite perfume whether you’re going out or not.
    • Don’t schedule anything until after lunch.

It’s OK to have an ‘I Feel Fat’ day now and then but that doesn’t mean you need to STAY in that vibe. Follow the above tips and you’ll bounce back in no time!