12 Simple, Doable Weight Loss Tips from Women Who Have Lost 45+ Pounds

In need of weight loss tips you can actually apply in REAL LIFE?

When it comes to weight loss, many of us feel that no one understands what we’re going through.

“I feel like I’m just living a life of… dieting. Yep, I’m a professional dieter.”
“I’m just so tired of failing yet another weight loss attempt.”
I’m a yo-yo dieter. I lose weight all the time, but it keeps coming back!”

Sound familiar?

Trying to lose weight can be a lonely journey… but the women below? They get you.

They know EXACTLY what you’re going through.

So just go ahead and benefit from their experiences. Find out what helped these wonderful women lose over 45+ pounds.

Weight Loss Tips from Women Just Like You

1 I stopped drinking soda and putting sugar in my drinks.

stop-drinking-soda“As weird as it sounds, NO ONE drank water in our household. It was always soda or concentrated fruit juice. I honestly don’t know why. It’s just always been this way.

At one point though, at work, I just noticed that everyone’s drinking water. So I did too.

It was hard. I wasn’t used to it. So at the start, I only drank water at work. At home, I still drank juice. After about a week, I got semi-used to it so started drinking water at home too. (Drinking water was the easy part, discussing this with my family was harder 🙁 )

After about two weeks, I stopped putting sugar in my coffees and teas altogether. Believe it or not, i lost around 20 pounds just doing this! It was shocking to me and the perfect way to start my 47 lb weight loss.”

– Monique Plum, 41 yrs old, ⬇️47 lbs

2 I realized weight loss really does start in the kitchen.

I’m not a great cook but I know my way around the kitchen. Along the way though i started opting more and more for ‘convenience’ which meant frozen dinners, boxed meals, take-outs, etc.

One day I woke up, got the courage to step on the scale and WHOA! I didn’t even realize I was THAT heavy already. So I took back control step-by-step.

I limited myself to 1 take-out every other week, and no more packed mixes or canned sauces. After a while I weaned myself from frozen dinners too.”

– Lisa Gardner, 43 yrs old, ⬇️45 lbs

3 It’s ok to start slow… but structured.

Most people, especially women, overwhelm themselves when it comes to weight loss. They believe that for pounds to melt, they need to completely overhaul their way of eating AND spend hours at the gym… on Day 1.

This is the perfect recipe for weight loss failure.

“I have a daughter, twin boys below the age of five, and a full-time job. I just don’t have time so I knew I couldn’t go all gung-ho with my weight  loss efforts. One day, I just sat and thought… FINE! one thing at a time.

I looked for a weight loss program online because I didn’t want to think and plan and learn this and that. Too much time and effort. I just wanted to follow something.

I joined BeFinallyFit thinking the weight loss would be slow but boy was I wrong!”

Kelly Gills, 47 yrs old, ⬇️45 lbs

4 I didn’t banish any food group… because I realized I’m not strong enough to live without rice 🙂

swap-to-brown“I’m Asian, I cannot imagine life without rice 🙂. So I learned the art of ‘food swapping’.

I no longer eat white rice, but brown rice. No white bread, but whole-wheat bread. No sugar-heavy, white flour-heavy cookies but healthier ones made with coconut oil, oats, and fruit as natural sweeteners.

I tell friends I’m still a foodie, just a healthier one.”

– Neri Tan, 32 yrs old, ⬇️48 lbs

5 It’s ok to give into cravings.

Depriving yourself of your favorite foods can deter your weight loss success in the long run. It’s human nature to start craving things you’re not supposed to have and once you finally give in, you may find yourself binge eating instead of just having a normal serving.

“I’m partial to anything chocolate. But since I’ve gone on this journey, I only eat dark chocolate and limit myself to a single piece after dinner with my black coffee. And instead of having it on weekends, I have it on weekdays. 😉”

Afraid your cravings are getting out of hand? Click here for real-life tips to manage your cravings.

– Carol Peek, 37 yrs old, ⬇️46 lbs

6 I started taking yoga… because it’s the only ‘physical activity’ I can do.

yoga-for-weight-lossDon’t be pressured to do anything you’re not physically and/or mentally ready. Focus on what you like or what truly interests you… the rest will follow.

“I’ve never been an ‘active person’. And as the pounds piled on, I was just too heavy to do any physical activity and too embarrassed to go to the gym.

The only thing that remotely interested me was yoga because I liked the ‘quietness’ and peace I’ve always associated with it. I tried one session, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Once I lost a few pounds and felt more confident, that was when I became more serious and tried a weight loss program.”

– April Rainier, 45 yrs old, ⬇️49 lbs

7 I plan when I indulge.

“I work in marketing so eating out is a given. What I do is control when that happens as much as I can. So normally I would schedule dinners with clients 2x per week max. Then I would check the menu in advance so that I can plan what to order.

If there are unplanned lunches or dinners out, or I give in and order something decadent, I don’t beat myself up about it. I just compensate the the rest of the week as best I can.”

– Melody Powell, 44 yrs old, ⬇️45lbs

8 I learned how to cook.

Women who don’t cook or are not fond of cooking often feel that making meals from scratch requires HOURS of effort. That’s not true at all because studies show… we’re really not as varied or diverse as we think.

“I’m a nurse and work crazy hours so take-outs were my life. However, it’s hard to talk to people about their health when you’re overweight yourself. I felt like a hypocrite. ☹️

However, cooking and prepping my meals were out of the question. I just don’t have time. Until the day my new roommate came into my life.

She was a nurse too and she had it all together! I couldn’t believe it. She would cook on her day off and pack and freeze and she wouldn’t even spend hours in the kitchen. She told me to just cook something simple, and don’t over complicate things.

Well, here’s what I found out… chicken and brown rice are life. I love eating this day in and day out. I would vary it a bit of course but that’s how I started losing weight, and keeping it off. 😀”

– Carolyn Adler, 41 yrs old, ⬇️47lbs

9 I created my own hunger suppressing tricks.

“I’m single so I don’t like to take walks out at night. This means coming up with other ways to battle after-dinner cravings. I would normally drink first: water or flavored water. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have hot tea or some bone broth I’ve previously made.

I would drink this slowly while I watch funny YouTube videos or workout videos online. Sometimes, I’ll visit health and wellness sites. This is often enough to put my mind back on the ‘healthy track’.

If not, I grab an apple or banana and eat that with almond butter or any nut butter I have in-house.”

– Lannie Smith-Mills, 33 yrs old, ⬇️46 lbs

10 One goal at a time.

weight-loss-goalA lot of people don’t realize the depression that can come over you from so many failed diet attempts. They think that you don’t have willpower or you’re lazy or that you prioritize a donut over yourself.

At one point, I was just tired. Tired of trying, starting, losing, stopping, gaining, repeat repeat repeat.

Luckily I met someone who actually told me that I was doing too much. Changing too many things. And that I was trying too hard. Huh? I thought I wasn’t trying enough!

She helped me focus on ONE THING first — what I was eating. Just that.🙂”

BeFinallyFit is a science-based 28-day unique eating strategy for weight loss. It turns your body's fat-burning switch 'ON' by correcting the hormone imbalance that's making your body store fat... instead of burning it. If you're 40+ and overweight, then BeFinallyFit is for you.

– Antonia Moore, 42 yrs old, ⬇️53 lbs

11 Low is high, and high is low… what?!?

The food industry is not doing overweight people any favors. They label food items as ‘low salt’, ‘low sugar’, ‘low carb’, ‘low fat’, and on and on.

But here’s the problem, any product ‘low’ in one thing is normally ‘high’ in something else. So often, people are just replacing one unhealthy thing for another.

I don’t read labels. I understand that it works for many people but it doesn’t for me. When I grocery shop, I just ask myself ‘where does this come from?‘. If it’s in any way man-made or processed, I don’t buy it. Simple.”

– Sammie Law, 48 yrs old,  ⬇️51 lbs

12 I stopped being a ‘secret eater’.


I’m a lazy person, I don’t ‘journal’. I also told people I have no idea why I’m so overweight when I cook my own meals and eat ‘healthy’. ha!

A visit to my doctor changed all that. He told me I was prediabetes and that I needed to change how I was eating ASAP. But how can I change something I thought was already ok?

I started taking pictures on my phone of every single thing I was eating and drinking. I mean, everything. And I was just shocked!

I never realized how much MORE I was eating. I would remember my ‘light’ breakfast and healthy lunch or dinner but I wasn’t aware of the so many unhealthy things I was eating during the day… the ‘small’ slice of co-worker birthday cake, the little candies on my desk, the chicken nuggets (or donut holes) I would munch on as a mid-day snack, the glass (or 2) of wine at dinner, and most of all… I was shocked by the 1,0000+ calorie bomb of a coffee frap I was having almost everyday!”

– Daniela Maria Keaney, 42 yrs old, ⬇️67 lbs

Why Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women

Is there a gender bias when it comes to losing weight?
The short answer:YES.

Men lose weight faster than women but that does not mean there’s nothing you can do about it.

Men vs. Women  – Starting Fat Levels

female fat levelsWomen, biologically, have 10% more body fat than men. That might sound unfair but there is a reason. Women need this extra fat for child bearing.

Fat is stored fuel. As such, nature gave women more fat in their bodies because of the anticipated need for extra fuel during pregnancies.  Remember that at this stage, women are not just ‘carriers’, but ‘nourishers’ too.

Since women have more body fat than men to begin with, it will naturally take longer to see any noticeable results from any weight loss effort. It doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t happen… it will just take a lot longer.

Men vs. Women – Fat Burning

Ok, we’ve established that women have more fat for the purposes of child bearing. So what’s the purpose of men? 😁😁😁

more muscle means men lose weight fasterFrom an evolutionary point of view… men’s purpose is to ‘provide food’. So due to the very physical aspect of hunting and gathering food, men’s bodies have more muscle.

Muscle tissue burns more calories. On average, 10 pounds of muscle burns 50 calories a day spent at rest, while 10 pounds of fat burns only 20 calories.

Yes, even though he’s just right beside you, sitting just like you… his body is burning more calories than yours. Arghhhhh!!!!!! 😡

Men vs. Women – Testosterone vs. Estrogen

male female hormonesThe male hormone testosterone helps build and retain muscle. (Remember, muscle tissue burns more calories at rest.) The female hormone estrogen helps women prepare the body for child bearing, and it does this by encouraging the body to store fat.

Another important thing to note is that as women age, estrogen levels decrease, which tend to lower metabolic rates (metabolism slows down). This is why women going through menopause experience weight gain.

Men vs. Women – Men ‘Power Down’ Faster

shut downIt’s easier for men to ‘shut down’ and call it a day. Not so much for women.

We are natural born caretakers and multi-taskers. So while he’s already off to dreamland with nary a thought, women’s minds are busy thinking, planning, and even worrying about tomorrow’s activities (and a host of other things).

This can lead to less sleep or poor quality sleep, which in turn increases cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone). Studies show that high cortisol levels lead to depression, food addiction, and sugar cravings. 😭

Men vs. Women – We Look At Cupcakes Differently

cupcake shapeMen lose weight faster than women because they are less emotional about food and why they eat. Ok, men are less emotional than women. Period. 😜

To men, a cupcake (or donut, or pizza, or ice cream, etc.) is just YUM. There’s nothing else attached to it. For women, we tend to associate these food items with feelings of comfort, reward or celebration, and yes, happiness.

There’s also the hormone called serotonin. This hormone has many functions but it’s also called the ‘happy hormone’ or ‘mood hormone’.

Studies show that just before ‘that time of the month’, serotonin levels in women’s bodies decrease. (PMS, anyone?) When this happens, women crave carbs.

Carbs give a ‘sugar rush’ (that feeling of elation or happiness), which in turn brings serotonin levels back up.

(Since, we’re talking about that time of the month… the hormone progesterone also increases during this time. Progesterone increases appetite.)

What Does This All Mean?

All of the above may seem unfair but it’s really just how evolution made women. So don’t fight it. You cannot change it.

Does this mean that women are doomed to gain weight?

The problem is this: with traditional, mainstream diets, women will lose weight at an extremely slow pace (if at all). And in the absence of short-term results, most women lose motivation and give-up.

You go back to your old ways and BOOM! you gain back any weight you may have lost… and then some.

This in turn may lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and a host of other health issues.

Further, most diets out there today do not even consider women’s hormonal levels. More and more studies show that hormone imbalance is one of most common reasons for weight loss resistance in women.

BeFinallyFit is a 28-day unique eating strategy for women. It turns a woman's natural fat-burning switch 'ON' by (1) re-balancing female hormone imbalance, and (2) resetting malfunctioning hunger hormones in the body.

BFF also applies a special weight loss tactic, which you can adapt by Day 7 of the program. This technique will enable you to burn through your fat reserves WAY FASTER than any other 'diet' because it targets a specific hormone in your body! Click here to start your journey.

The permanent solution is this: work with (not against) your female body – its fat levels, hormones, structure, and all – so that it gives you the weight loss results you want to see… fast.

Weight loss for women is not about ‘calories in and calories out’. That doesn’t work.

In fact, ‘eating less’ may produce even a greater imbalance in hormones for women! The secret is eating more (of the right foods) for the female body.

Weight loss for women is also not ‘eat less, exercise more’.  That doesn’t work either.

Women should avoid ‘chronic cardio’ because this creates unnecessary stress in the body, which in turn increases cortisol. And as mentioned above, higher cortisol levels mean weight gain.

But don’t lose heart ladies.

Now that you know why men lose weight faster, you also know that the road to long-term weight loss IS achievable! Now that you know what makes you so different from men… you can start focusing on solutions that are geared towards women’s needs.